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ABBRACADDABRA is an independent company offering comprehensive pre-press services and publishing consulting exclusively to children books authors. Our outfit was created by a group of "rogue," dissatisfied professionals, serving the Children Books industry in various capacities for decades. We came together in protest, aiming to right the wrongs we've seen perpetrated against the AUTHORS, who are in fact the unique driving force of this industry.

Although there are solid, prestigious companies out there, our experience and consequent research confirmed that most of those who cater to authors are mainly concerned with their own bottom line. That's no crime, that's business – but more often then not, authors become just a means to an end.

If, in order to get your most recent book ready for publishing or presentation, you started your own research, you already know that there are thousands of companies and websites promising authors full support and "best" deals. After hours of opening one site after another, you cannot help but notice that the new breed of service providers – especially those who push self-publishing as an author's only option – don't have much respect for your time.... On these sites you will not get access to their services' information without registering and giving out all your personal information. The competition is fierce, so e-mail and phone pressure will ensue right away; no matter how savvy you might be, you are vulnerable to elaborate and misleading sales pitches.

If you choose to look for individual providers, you are entirely on your own, with no real selection tools. You need to swim through a sea of websites, compare quotes, read testimonials, get caught in boasting statements that bring no real guarantees. Next you need to deal with several people, each with their own schedule, sets of specifications and temperaments. Overwhelmed much?

What sets us apart from other author services? We at AbbraCaddabra respect your talent, hard work, and precious time! Of course our "bottom line" is important, but we want to build our reputation on integrity. We will concentrate our efforts in providing authors with actual, hands-on help, while allowing them to use our expert services on their own terms:

  • You will not be assaulted by sales representatives.
  • We will not badger you with pressure phone calls. We will not call you at all - if you so indicate.
  • All our services are out in the open, so you can make an informed decision before you hire us.
  • No packages; you can pick and choose among our services at your own discretion.
  • All our fees are listed. You can easily compare.
  • We are not a Publishing company. In our consulting capacity, we can simply save you the hassle and time consuming task of looking blindly for one. If you hire us, we'll find the best publisher for your particular project,
    with no "kick backs" for us.


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